first draft

Is it only in my incompetent mind that thoughts seem to vanish

Jump ship like a fleet of sperm donors desperate for war,

self-mutilation, and destruction of any kind

Greeted to an abyss-like-wasteland by a shadow of a man

Dressed in brown robes and spiders webs

Carrying chains and begging for ears

Telling dreams you vaguely remember

As if the reincarnation of any measurable unit of time

As if above the droll realisation of everything

Slinking in and out of part fallen television aerials

Is the out-dated concept of our own personalities

Clinging to their prosperous contradictions

And tangled grasp of any attentions

Worthy of the complexity involved in contemplating a punch line

The predatory vantage point of a ghostly-amputated silhouette 

The state of mind, which once caught, breaks down and cries

Tears of consciousness

Tears of realisation

Tears of anxiety, depression, and abandonment

Pointless tears

Tears where the poignancy of being rises and sets

Everyday behind a landscape shrouded in descriptions

Is ignoring the conspirators and the not-knowing-enoughs

Those whom crush life to that of a condition

Failing to understand the significance of a floating dandelion seed

It’s to them I feel real sympathetic apologies

A totalitarian state as anything but a work of fiction

A cynical satire indirectly talking through some sort of think-box

A hand full of supposedly fat cats with a pre-dated secret agenda -

The intension of holding humanity to ransom in return for all your mothers breast milk and the sick desire to fuck your children

Resided to the inadvertent repercussions of a nomads actions

However white or humble their objectives

Give me ignorance over suspicion

And on my anniversary gift me the moon as opposed to the sun

Auburn, palm sized skeletons, fallen victim to autumn

Pegged to the branches of trees throughout the winter months

An artists vision representing their inability to change

Still believing in fate and perfect timing

A heavenly intervention cosmically designed to grow the earth

The fate of leafs, the soils mulch

The forgotten tongue of an incomprehensible language 

The artists vision of a life unravelled

Give me the numbness of wind as opposed to reality

Strength against the toxic silhouettes

Slinking in and out of buildings and cut-troughs

Past the pepper pot burka and the preaching priest conference

The warm, freshly laid, tar sticking to the lips of god’s creations

A vinegary war on the taste buds of consciousness 

A reminder of danger, hidden in the colour of flags

Don’t fight for me, fear of me, or bow to ignoble whims,

Seek shelter in my name, civilisation for murder and rape

Bribing instinct to play the role of a scapegoat

Bleeding guilt dry

I’ll forever remain wary of stories the next vagabond carrying water tells

Resurrecting our mindfulness and our virtue of self

The feel of new-born skin buried in your chin and resting on your chest

Stopping the slinking silhouettes and their wild dogs

Comparing their cowardice to that of the sun in the evening

Running from the revealing light of the moon

Imposing unspoiled shadows over the night-time landscape

The perfect and individual shape of a snowflake

The kiss of honey

The gesture of a cigarette

The nature of a compliment

an awkward conversation about death

Counting the raindrops on the outside of a windowpane,

Whistling the songs played at your granddads funeral:

The symphony of life - the theory of everything

The missing limbs of the ghostly silhouettes

Forming the membrane shell encasing my brain

Draped like royal robes edged with gold leafs

Carrying thoughtful humbleness and the contradiction of knowing,

Dreams you vaguely remember

Dreams you’ve had before

Opaque dreams masquerading as nothingness

Obstructing the way the world really is

Or at least ought to be

A trick of the mind

or a self-doubting somewhat warranted paranoia

They’ll have you assemble and march on the beat of natures drum

Watching your blood splay off skins in the name of reprisal

Hunting the ghastly silhouettes you know not to be true

Stumbling around in the dark

Falling to your knees

Muddying the revered garments your fought so hard retrieve

Muddying your name

Our name

Crawling alone

Drifting in the dark

Drifting in the dark

Where thoughts seem to vanish and consciousness leaves you.

Where the droll realisation of everything is beauty personified

A sterile wasteland where thoughts are white

Dying in whiteness as opposed to darkness










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