
I am the voice to represent the voiceless,
I am the bitter taste of truth on your tongue.
No one word shall claim me,
Yet by one word, you have named me.

I am the silence, the trigger.
With one word spoken,
I become devastating or breathtaking.
No one memory shall define me,
Yet by one memory, you label me.

I am the artist,
Using lies to show you the truth.
Delusions and complexity fill me,
Creating madness and brillance.
No one symbol shall depict me,
Yet by one symbol, you seek to interpret me.

I am the heart,
Everlasting and relentless.
I beat louder than any word
Or action you dare conjure.
No one feeling shall conquer me,
Yet by one feeling, you remember me.

I cannot be held down.
Take everything away,
Until there's nothing left.
You cannot squeeze the life from me,
I am the limitless...

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justanotherscreename's picture

This is amazing. Show how

This is amazing. Show how people judge much to easily and falsly. Perception is everything and this poem shows how limited people's perceptions can be. Very well done.

vazb's picture

such a great poem well done

such a great poem well done love your work

lupus's picture

thank you.

thank you.

TheAlchemist's picture



grimfate's picture

Pure genious

Such form from a bodyless void, a feeling of dread and awe is but a shaddow of contrast that lies beneath these malevolent scripts. The light only exists to show the overwhelming darkness just as the voice only exists to be deafened by silence.

this is not the end, this is not the begining of the end, this is merely the end of the begining.

SSmoothie's picture

Simply brilliant! In awe of

Simply brilliant! In awe of this write, BRAVO! *STANDING OVATION!!!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Beavis's picture


Congrats! You have a incredibly beautiful and powerful poem here, with depth and intelligence but without being gaudy or pretentious. Great writing!