A Humble Grandmother's Plea

As I sit here and contemplate the fragility of life… tears are streaming down my face as I contemplate and express the thoughts that are in my heart and running through my mind…  In a small way life has come full circle…

To bring a child into this world is one of the most precious and priceless gifts that as parents we embrace and treasure.  Most parents willingly understand and accept the responsibility… love… anticipation… joy… and endless possibilities that the future has yet to unfold and present them with.  With children in our lives we as parents, grandparents, siblings, and other family members can be moved from a moment of experiencing our greatest joy and delight to being plunged into devastating depths of pain and sorrow!!   It can be a promise of a future world filled with love, adventure, learning, and undiscovered possibilities…. Or it can become an abyss of the unknown… and finding we are powerless to find the light of truth and change the outcome.  

Thirty-one years ago I became a mother for the first time.  

My oldest child…a daughter was born several weeks early…but with God’s grace was a very healthy child throughout most of her childhood.  It would not be until in her teens that she would begin to face the uncertainties, ugliness, and unjustness of those “good” people who professed to only be looking out for her well being!!

Our second child…a son was also born healthy…but with God’s mercy… our parents love, faith, strength, and understanding were soon to be tested.  At two and half months of age our son was diagnosed with a condition known as Craniostenosis – Craniosynostosis  that would require that he have reconstructive head surgery.  I cannot fully express the depth of fear that permeated my heart and soul at that moment.  But it was just the beginning of a journey that would span the next twenty plus years.  A journey of numerous doctor visits, surgery’s, and hospital stays.

Our third child… another daughter was last to join our family and again by God’s infinite wisdom was born healthy.  Her challenges would come later!  The journey once again bringing us to the depths of an abyss of unimaginable inhumanity, darkness, despair, and loss of innocence!  Her journey would be one that would have to not only heal the wounds to her body… but to the very core of her soul… the essence of whom she is…and who she would become!!

As a mother to my “3” and a grandmother to “5” beautiful children…who are the ages 3 years down to 6 weeks… my heart is filled near to bursting!!   This morning the youngest grandson…only 6 weeks old underwent surgery to remove a hernia.  As I listened to my son explaining the course of the morning’s events… the tears began to flow… the baby was fine… everything was successful!!  The baby was now resting comfortably, and being tended to carefully by the doctors and nurses, and doting parents.  They too had had their emotional moment…when that unknowing abyss opens up and presents the depth of unknowns.  Their love… faith… and trust in those who were caring for their son carried them through.  They were at peace!!

But this is where my mother’s… grandmother’s… my human heart became over burdened… and heaviness filled my soul.  I recall the years after the medical – health care needs of my own children began… and the challenges and adversity my husband and I faced when now pre-existing conditions were “attached” to the care our children would receive in the future!!   The INSURANCE COMPANY now deciding… not the Doctor’s or healthcare provider’s… but the INSURANCE COMPANY!!   We had coverage and policy’s cancelled, new health insurance denied, or such outrageous costly plans, deductibles, and fees presented, required or attached, that for many years we went without basic medical/health care coverage.

I know what it is like to try every way possible to avoid having to make that doctor visit… I know what it feels like when your own child is hurting and you do not have the monetary or medical/healthcare coverage available to see them properly cared for!!  You try to manage on your own resources… praying that their young healthy bodies will heal themselves!!  

Or possibly burdening your own family members if financial help is need to get them care.  And God forbid something happens and you find yourself at the Insurance Company’s Approval Inquisition!!   Where they have the omnipotent power to approve or decline your care or care for your loved ones!!

As I sit here and think of what the future may hold…. I am sickened to the depths of my soul at the inhumanity… the lack of respect, dignity, and moral accountability we as human beings have allowed ourselves to sink to.  Why would we not strive for, want, care or demand of those we have elected to represent us in whichever political party you are affiliated with… to put to right and own up to the truth that if we cannot love and care for our fellow man…our brother’s, sister’s, mother’s, father’s, grandparent’s, our children…our future… to put to right the basic truths this government was founded upon…. the truths that most religions speak of…  that we are all… each and every one of us… equally entitled, entrusted, obligated with upholding those truths!!   It is not my truth… it is not your truth… it is not Democratic or Republican truth… it is not race – white… black… brown… red… or yellow truth!!  It is the TRUTH born of man’s past generations to the present… it is the TRUTH that has taught us throughout our own human evolution, history, and understanding!!  It is the TRUTH that no matter how many try to tear it down, to break it apart, rip it to shreds, distort, bend, ignore, or lie about it… it will remain as profoundly abundant as the grains of sand on any beach… the TRUTH is TRUTH!!   It resonates in the heart…mind… and soul!!  It may not always be seen…  or heard… or even felt… but when TRUTH is before you… it cannot be denied!!

Part of my Grandmother’s Plea… is a challenge!!  Do you have the courage to take up this challenge?  I challenge any of you who read this… go to a Children’s hospital… go to any hospital or a community health care facility… go with an open heart and an open mind… no expectations…no judgments’… no bias’…  put yourself in the steps of some of those parents walking through the doors with their children… spouses… parents… spend several hours absorbing all you can…

Then ask yourself… if that were my child… my loved one…

not knowing the circumstances that may have brought them here… Does it really matter?    

The TRUTH is… if we treat them with nothing… no dignity… respect… compassion… love… or medical - health care…


We as a society have become NOTHING!!!

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