Making Of A True Man

Induced indulgence on a quivering lip,
To plead for more than blind worship.
The terrors and castrations of society’s limbs,
Prejudices dressed up in irrelevant fears.
The debacle of might and tyranny,
Precious illusions that serve no man’s interest,
Buried with heads in forgotten sands.

Sand and dirt, grit in my teeth,
A warrior peaks in body, but his spirit plummets.
Fevering an illusion, attacked at all sides,
I’m just trying to be the better man.

The temptation to elevate beneath limitation,
Only at the time of severed brain from loins.
Addiction passed down in the bloodline,
Lust for the poison,
Written deep in genetic coding.

Identity can be found when standing still,
When floating in the sea of majority,
It’s time to sink and fall behind,
To think, to reflect:
To be the better man.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes just got to break those barriers down and time time to get your head together, finding self amongst the ashes

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