June 1st

Early on in the morning

as dew drops start to form,

a quiet of rest and peace

awaiting a new day to be reborn.

As stars start to cease

colours; pink, red, yellow

far in the horizon start to come.

I wish to say, "Hello,"

to a new day that has just begun,

but I don't want to disturb this beauty,

or the quiet and serinity.

As I stand, still and quiet

I watch as a new day passes me by,

I can only be glad, as it goes bit by bit

I'm happier than a baby with a lulaby,

for I have seen what few others have seen.

Though experiance is not mine to claim,

I'm happy the way my life has been,

and for this, I have no shame.

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Jennifer S's picture

wow i love the insite you put in to this poem i love how peaceful and nice it is
i really like this poem and i love how your mind works with the poems very while done