Mother Dear

With hateful comtempt I love her

She asks, probs, and questions me

Biting my tongue, her voice I do endure

She buzz's about, and harasses me

to the extent, and worse than a bee

I try to run,

I try to hide,

Hopefully as far as London

My feelings for her are like the tide

They rise and fall

Several times a day

Fighting with her is like running into a wall

She doesn't give, even when I yell, "Okay!"

She is the one that smothers me

And tries to keep me close at home

As if she's trying to kill my personality!

Last week she even tried to comb

What she calls a "Rat's nest"

Which in fact is my stylish hair

She nags, without rest

I know she does this, 'cause she really does care

But I wish she'd quit acting, just like a bear

The reason for the smothering

Is because she's doing her mothering

And although I want to hop on a train

And ease my brain

She is my mother

And I really do love her

Though this I could never say

So I'll wait for another day...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My relationship with my mom...

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Never wait till the last moment to tell your mother that you love her! You never know what could happen when you least expect it. Why do things tomorrow that you can do today?