
 The clock alarm had rung three times and I just couldn’t get off from bed. Today I woke up with a deep headache; one I had never felt before, that made the pain seem as if it spread until it reached the surface of my head. I felt as if my brain was bruised, or as if I was having a never-ending, intense brain-freeze. I was trying to concentrate on avoiding the aching, when I glanced at the clock and saw the bus was coming in fifteen minutes.


Light made pain even worse, so I jumped up from bed opening my eyes the least I could to be able to get to the bathroom without any more injuries. I turned on the water faucet and got into the shower. After getting my face wet and pulling my eyes, I opened them to find the floor all red of blood. I was socked, but then I remembered the feeling my headache made me have, so I turned to the mirror and took a look through my hair in search of a cut, and there it was.


While I was finishing getting ready for school, I tried to recall or guess what could have been the cause of that cut I had in my head. I just couldn’t come up with anything.


It was five to seven and I was running out of the bathroom for breakfast, when I got surprised on finding my window crashed.


It wasn’t the first time something like that happened. Yesterday my dad found the roof was falling and the day before the woman next door complained with my mom about hearing bangs on a window as if someone was trying to get into her house.


Anyone could feel the tension that built up day by day around the neighborhood. Everyone was just all nervous because of the incidents that had been happening during the week. Putting all the unusual incidents together made people think it was all related to attempted robbery.


But when I saw my window broken I felt as if I had something to do with the cut in my head, so I decided to keep it a secret, at least for a little while. Maybe time would explain, so it wasn’t necessary to rush it by giving my parents the news. I thought I was sleepwalking.


I had been feeling tired more than normal, so when I got home from school I went straight to bed to have a nap –something I never do. But this time I felt it was necessary. So I slept deeply and even dreamed –something that never happens either.


I dreamed that my body rose from the bed and I started floating around my bedroom, so I went out the window and started flying out of control. But after a few seconds I could fly as good as I could walk. Seeing everything from above was incredible. Everything seemed so different when it was seen in the big picture. Everything seemed so real, so detailed… and it began to scare me. It felt so real I couldn’t distinguish between the dream and reality.


Still dreaming, my head started hurting. I took my hand to the cut I remembered having, and it was there. I got even more confused because the pain felt as if I was awake. I felt dizzy and fainted, falling unconscious.


I woke up lying on the grass of my backyard.  I had been sleepflying.

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