Brightly Black

I've lived. A laugh. 
I've died. A cry. 
I'm proven wrong, 
But still I try. 
I'm up and down. 
I'm here and there. 
I'm nowhere, 
And I'm everywhere. 
I've lived without, 
And died endowed, 
That I've been so Proud. 
I've hated all, 
And loved, for naught, 
And doubted, 
Everything I've thought. 
My truth was true, 
Until it lied. 
My life was lived, 
Until it died. 
I float above, until I sink. 
I see the light, unless I blink. 
And now I know not what to think, 
As I am driven to the brink. 
And as the darkness sends a wink, 
I use it for my missing link. 

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