rain and tears

As I pass through this pain

In days of falling rain

Some words are like wind on the tip of a tongue laying in reflection

Some winds are like words they blow seemingly from every direction


As I pass through this pain

In days of falling rain

I hear fractured echoes of thunder

From up above, it still feels like down under


As I pass through this pain

In days of falling rain

Some booms of thunder leave cracks in the heart that needs mending

But tears mix with rain and as they fall, they seem to be unending


As I pass through this pain

In days of falling rain

I keep every word, as they crash somewhat slurred
more utterance incurred, those deferred, and those unheard


As I pass through this pain

In days of falling rain

Writing across the sky, rain and tears in the eye

Chronicling the wild storm I never asked why?


As I pass through this pain

In days of falling rain

Disregard me as you lick the ink from my pen

Back to the twice-read page, the one I read over again


Let me pass through some thoughts I say

Let me leave the night, let me fade away

Let me tread softly

Let me know we were we

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running_with_rabbits's picture


Some booms of thunder leave cracks in the heart

the rest of the poem was just a poem to me, but that line right there, that line encompassed the entire range of emotions left behind after my last major romance

:) thank you

Much Love


SSmoothie's picture

:) I relate. Beautiful. 

:) I relate. Beautiful. 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

9inety's picture

thank you

it is just the stormy past passing through the minds eye..



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot