

I want to be
your favorite
The one you'd
choose over
The one that
would blush
when you are around
I want to be
the one you'd
hold at night
The one that
would stay up
thinking of you
while you're lying beside me
I want to be
the one your
heart most desires
The one that
has your love
imprinted in her life
The one that would
cry many tears
if you would leave forever
I want to be
the one that
you go crazy over
The one that
would give you the
blues when she's gone
The one that
you have fallen
so deeply for
I want to be your

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To Joe. Please pick me.

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Zach Castle's picture

Outstanding poem. You've done an excellent job of capturing a powerful desire. You've put in words something that I've felt before but couldn't express. Keep it up!
