Casket Dreams

Encased by my memories

haunted by dreams,

life flshed before me

nothing came with ease.

I was taunted and torn

battered and bruised,

everything that had ever been

was all cause you ruled.

Casket Dreams

My friend, my lover

my forever after

if only i knew you would become my horror.

I give thanks for the pain

the nights without sleep

you gave me my freedom

for me to be me.

I overcome weakness

and took what was mine,

escaped from the  worry the pain and the lies.

Forget you I won't

you taught me so much

when darkness succumb's you


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umbraeyes's picture

i really like it!! it had a

i really like it!! it had a really good flow to it which not everyone can achieve but you did!




2bperfectpanda's picture

Thank you

Thank you UmbraEyes :) I always try my best