Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Dance me till the end of Trump 6 days ago Dance me through the panic I'm sure will soon begin Dance me through this nightmare that we all find ourselves in How was this man elected?... [read more] |
ramonathompsont posted a new Poem titled I Am The Hell Bound Angel 6 days ago From the darkness I call Seeking to drain All of the light This night Claims Forever and always Your soul as mine Dancing at a true monster'... [read more] |
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled For you and your gal 6 days ago My hands are wringing For the USA The shit he's flinging Gets worse every day It is very depre... [read more] |
orishaman posted a new Poem titled Music and Friendship 6 days ago In the circle of harmony where our passions collide, We’ve crafted a symphony, side by side. As a drummer and percussionist, I... [read more] |
orishaman posted a new Poem titled My Next Door neighbor 6 days ago In proximity of our homes, we both grew, Neighbors close, yet distant too. We shared some laughs and sunny days, But ne... [read more] |
Seeker posted a new Poem titled Those Without AI 6 days ago Upon that day, I walked away, From my home, I couldn't stay. Past the heap of what remained, Too much loss, my heart in pain. Cast as... [read more] |
hollow.point posted a new Poem titled New York 6 days ago 1 Call me now Hello Isn't she just being tired second embarrassment how old are those things So I'm not like I'm not beat up by it it's like... [read more] |
hollow.point posted a new Poem titled amir Asham Mandakshi 6 days ago I I'm a I'm even really amitra I think it's me hug hugo Only going So yeah everyone of the monthly Sammy's elementary school [read more] |
hollow.point posted a new Poem titled ah what all this happened well moral excited no I'm sorry it's still in the track let's see how much I'm having longer 6 days ago hello ppn IXPVA ISTLINDFR IVASOTNIVSTL IBNARIBSIBLNDVARISTPNIXELINDVFRIXTAOSTIRAMVILTIRADINOSTM M DDL IBS TX OPTNILBVTL asdr IDNOVNISTNIRPTL... [read more] |
hollow.point posted a new Poem titled I Interval interval 1007 minimum 6 days ago I are you OK I am going to think of a lot read it it's like Yeah yeah mmm I don't just cut up to the mental limit though by by starting by a... [read more] |
joy posted a new Poem titled DAILY GRATITUDE ABILITY TO DREAM 6 days ago I am grateful for all the abilities I’ve been born with too many to count…it seems but today I’d like to single one out… my ability t... [read more] |
joy posted a new Poem titled DREAMS AND DESTINY 6 days ago May we all be blessed to live a life… we would not mind to repeat… A happy, loving and contented life… where our dreams and destiny m... [read more] |
joy posted a new Poem titled BIG DREAMS 6 days ago The the funny thing about dreams is… When you stop and look at the person you came to be…. you wonder…have I chosen this dream…or has... [read more] |
LittleLennonGurl posted a new Poem titled Rise Above Being Unfairly Chosen 6 days ago Verse 1 8 years old First day of schoolThought I had made Friends withAt least some of you Was such a foolThe new kidThat was all you knewFr... [read more] |
LittleLennonGurl posted a new Poem titled I Matter 6 days ago Verse 1 I matter The voice inside me Silent for way too long Suddenly screamsThe pain of yesterdaySurfacing and refusing To again go awayDes... [read more] |