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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled Precious Tanka May 8, 9 2003 21 years ago
jogging the rain beating down on me aroused a sensual feeling for your warmth and love visiting all my childhood spots images in my mind...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Viacom Bought BET 21 years ago
Viacom, a white owned company, bought BET, a black corporation. Some black ministers were bought off by the CIA. Everywhere they try to sile...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Murky Merck Murky George Merck 21 years ago
Leonard Horowitz has great wits .. wrote 9 books on those who cook books ** His books such as Emerging Viruses and Death In the Air (of the...
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profrksingh's picture
profrksingh posted a new Poem titled ECSTASY 21 years ago
Fondling her breasts I incite a poem on her body erase my self stroking pubic darkness in ecstasy
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Unilever Bestfoods.. Harming The Public 21 years ago
Unilever Bestfoods.. harming the liver, kidneys, intestines, heart, bones of the public as they advertise animal flesh in Ragu harming the...
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onevoicecrying's picture
onevoicecrying posted a new Poem titled Betrayed 21 years ago
Stabbed in the back, left all alone, feelings of pain shooting through me. The words from your mouth clearly show that we are not friends li...
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vilbe's picture
vilbe posted a new Poem titled out of the blue 21 years ago
just picked up the phone today i dialed your number again but i forgot what to say when the message didnt end i want to say i miss you but y...
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mibella_jeze's picture
mibella_jeze posted a new Poem titled LOL 21 years ago
Strawberrry-Shortkake, and Kit-10-Kay, you in trouble we can't save your day. We aren't superheroes, we are just good friend, we hope to be...
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mibella_jeze's picture
mibella_jeze posted a new Poem titled Love your Friend 4ever 21 years ago
Wow are you sure this is the end? Well, I guess I should be telling you you're my best friend. Man we are tighter than the duck tape that ho...
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imager's picture
imager posted a new Poem titled Too Hurt 21 years ago
I’m too depressed, to be unhappy, And too lost to be confused I’m too terrified to be scarred, And too broken to be bruised I’m too angry, t...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled China Keep Your Gun Clips At Home 21 years ago
350,000 PROTEST ARTICLE 23 IN HONG KONG In Hong Kong, the biggest demonstration since Tienemen Square, 350,000, protested in July the civil...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Senator Santorum 21 years ago
Senator Santorum, the Philadelphia Inquirer quotes you as saying you have no problem with homosexuals only homosexual acts. Senator Santor...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Senator Don Nickles 21 years ago
Why is Don named Nickles for this senator disdains Nickles as he votes for stealing from the poor to give to billionaires he reminds us of...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Tornado 21 years ago
Tornados which can send a straw into a brick.. fling a car across a football field .. turn bricks into dust .. these tornados come to commun...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled 200 Republicans 60 Democrats 21 years ago
Daniel Zwerdling said that 200 Republicans and 60 Democrats want to prevent communities such as Chicago, a dozen in California, New Orleans...
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