Murky Merck Murky George Merck

Leonard Horowitz

has great wits

.. wrote 9 books

on those

who cook books



books such

as Emerging Viruses

and Death In the Air

(of the universe)

about  George Merck

who for the Dept of Defense

developed bioterror weapons

for decades

outside Philadelphia

they made 'smallpox' vaccine

which spread AIDS throughout Africa

Pierce Wright, science editor of the London

Times, wrote that there was a 17 point

sequence match between countries with smallpox

vaccine and AIDS incidence

the odds of this occurring naturally are in the zillions

Merck is buying our air waves now.. on programs such

as joint productios of the BBC and WGBH

Merck is advertising its pricegouging, lethal products

on the air.. products developed through causing tremendous

suffering to animals

How did smallpox vaccine cause AIDS?

Calves are slashed.. and smallpox sprayed on their

gash.. in a few weeks the human abusers come back

and plane off the scab.. and grind it into powder..

powder which contained BLV or bovine leukemia virus

.. the same disease as HTLV except in a different species.

Zaire Zambia Brazil and Haiti were the first four of

the 17 exact matches..

God cause Merck to tell the truth.. to withdraw

from 'public' radio.. to stop harming animals.

God send Your spirit into George Merck

and all vivisectors today and forever.

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