
" Scientific Guided Freedom "

Author's Notes/Comments: 

If you are offended, do not blame me....blame your parents....

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A Whisper of Faith

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"I no longer recognize the monster in the mirror"

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My Psalm

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I haven't written in a while, so I don't think this is as good as they used to be. I'll keep trying.

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Where are you, God?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Yay~ my first poem posted, created when I was listening to some really depressing Kpop songs. xD
The "Do you hear me?" part was inspired by INFINITE's song Be Mine.

How Great Thou Art?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

With gratitude I bow and dedicate this poem to the infinite supreme!!

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Psycho- Confessions "A Psychological Confession"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is just a tease to try and tempt you into getting the book which is my best work in my opinion. I have lowered the price as far as I can without taking a hit to my own pocket. I am not looking to make money off this book, as it's a collection of basicly my very soul. I have time to make money later, and can ;) but if you can afford it I would recommend you grab a copy and enjoy....

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Halo Jesus

adding more
Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is not a paroday
meant this good naturedley
not a slam against ANY religious
mabe a paroday of the news
how discoveries keep getting found

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The Serpent's Soul

Volume Three
Author's Notes/Comments: 

So umm yeah, I honestly did not see this one coming until it was finished. So my writers block is slowly coming back down, just maybe my stars are once again aligning :D hope you enjoy

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is my second poem on here, and comments of any sort would be greatly appreciated... I wrote this during a time of spiritual struggle and depression, and it has until now been unread by anyone but me.

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