PostPoems Publication Questions/Comments and Updates

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MatthewWayne's picture
Joined: 2003/02/02

If you have any Questions or Comments about the Post Poems Publication feel free to ask!!! I'd be happy to answer....

Update May 25,2012
I've decided to use this forum post for not only as an FAQ but also for a place to share with you the Authors of Postpoems the chance to get as close to the developing process as possible!, Here I will post updates on the book as it progresses. Now must warn you authors, that my plate with work and other sceduals, this title will have a slow but steady start. Once things get moving along I have no doubt that it will and it will gain momentum and build in speed and things will come along nicely. I am thrilled to see so far 7 authors wishing to join on this project. I am also considering forming a new forum post that will list the authors who volunteered, which works will be used, an interactive polling board as it were. I am just hoping to see more and more sign up for this project! Again thank you all and hope you are pleased with the final product.

"I am my own sort of strange, a supernova of madness and brillance. Forced to share the same space and time. Sane enough to not be seen, yet not crazy enough to be heard." -- Matthew Wayne