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Joined: 2011/10/26

I’ve decided to write to all of you now;
and speak for the People and on their behalf
about our children who serve our Country so well
and the political moguls who’ve brought us to hell.
Please take a moment to read this, I plead,
‘cause I believe our great Country is sorely in need.


The Fathers who found us
would turn in their graves
if ever they caught you
and watched you behave.

You thought you were sneaky and stealthy
and with slight underhand,
you ravaged and plundered and pillaged the land.
You wiped out entire cultures, races, and Nations
and then you enslaved all of those that were left.
You arrogant boobs! Just look what you’ve done:
You played a big role in what we’d become.


I wonder sometimes
about the course of mankind:
The Romans, the Nazis
the Christians , the Jews
the Muslims, the Towers
still headline the news.

What happened to “unification” and brotherly love?
What about our neighbors?
What about asking for help from Above?

Oh gosh no; no mention of Jesus nor God.
Let’s not talk of such sacrilege now
but Allah, Confucius, Mohammad, and Mao.
Let’s flood our schools with their teachings;
their meanings and such.
Let’s print a postage stamp in their honor!

O’Reilly, Geraldo, Megan, and Beck
Miller, Goldberg; what pains in the neck!
Or, are they our saviors, or, are they our friends?
No doubt all the answers will be clear at the end.


There is no erasure for the destruction t’was done
in the name of some Country or god or loved one.

We’ve made great headway with our neighbors and friends.
We don’t see black, white, red, or the latest of trends.

Folks, what is your problem today?
Why do you continue
to foster racial tension this way?
Seems you’re the only ones still living your lives in the past;
Well, here’s a suggestion: Get your heads out of your ass.

Our Flag: Red, white, and true blue.
And it flies blissfully from sea to shining sea.
Those are the only colors we see
despite all your charges of racial divides;
You can’t convince us to cower nor hide.
Your charges are empty and stupid and wrong
when really we all just want to belong.
And we don’t need your help to make peace with our friends.
We’re doing just fine without interference from you.


The People are angry, the People are riled;
They ousted the Democrats whose house they defiled.
And now the Republicans rule in their place….
But beware: Don’t abuse your authority or legislate waste
‘cause the People have awakened,
and they’re watching you now.
And they don’t trust anything you say or avow.

Yes, you deceived us, you robbed us, and fled.
You partied and danced and chased women in bed.
We are devastated as a People and a Nation of trust
that we were blind to your appetite for power and lust.
For decades you’ve laughed at us while our Country bled;
while we worked to the bone to keep your families well fed.

Did you think you could set an example for us?
What a joke, people! You must really be lame
if you thought for one moment we would fall for your game.
You sold us a bill of goods; you sold us down the river;
At what price?
You’ve been doing it for decades, and you’re still doing it now.
And you think we don’t realize
‘cause we’re that stupid and dumb;
that we’ll do anything you ask ‘cause we’re under your thumb.

You sandbags, you windbags, you airheads, you goats:
Did you think you could just pass a law with a vote,
and we’d all get behind it and forget what was done
At our hand?

Well, laws can change actions, laws can change men;
but laws can’t make people get along in the end.
Laws can’t erase historic recall;
nor the sins of a Nation nor the rise and the fall
At your hand.

Face it:
You’re all lower than a pregnant snake in the grass.
The entire World knows it; you’ve been made quite the ass
of yourselves.
You’ve succeeded in dividing our Nation, our People,
and Allies,
and you wonder why as a Nation we’ve been down graded,
and you wonder why people’s hope has been faded.

You’ve been derisive, argumentative ,and given no thought
to the masses of people in trust to your care:
The elderly, the wounded, and those who are lost in despair.

Beware, you moguls of Washington, DC:
Pack your bags and get ready to leave.
We’re so done with you now, it’s over-- we see.
We can all sleep again, and our minds are guilt free
from the rapists and plunderers we nailed to the cross;
from the days when the Government said, “Now we’re the boss!”.
Well, guess what, you pookheads, you dooffheads, you boors;
the people are pushing back hard on your doors.
They’re done with your pompous ass antics and drool;
they’re done with your meddling in our lives and our schools.

I say now, get thee out of our sight and our ear;
for your day of reckoning soon will be here,
and you’ll wonder what happened; what did we do wrong?
And you’ll continue to reiterate that old tired song.
But we’re ready and waiting to spring at the call
to throw the bums out and start a new day
when we all will go back to the Country we love;
to our families, and stovetops, and the Light from Above.

Get out of our lives and leave us alone.
We don’t want your kind of lawmaking here.
We want to go back to what men held so dear:
When they had Common Sense;
When they had the courage to sign a Declaration of War
against the mightiest of Nations there was at the time.
But that did not deter them; it made them want it that more:
A Nation of freedom; a Nation of pride
that gave every man and woman inside
a feeling of justice that this, this land was the one
that would bring prosperity to each and solidarity as one.
And so, the People worked hard and the People worked long:
They believed that, by their hard labor in life,
they would be rewarded for all of their toil,
trouble and strife.
But give it away? What mockery is this?
Ah, now the message is clear:
You’ll make just the same
if you stay home and drink beer.

I’m so disgusted with all of you in DC,
And so are my brothers and sisters to see
the ravaging of each other on a National scale.
The scandals, the corruption, you should all be in jail.

You idiots, you bumpkins, you scoundrels, you dogs;
you morons, you lowlifes, you belong in a zoo
with the rest of your cronies and the rest of their crew.

Well, guess what? Do you hear that mouse that just roared?
Do you know what’s coming your way by the score?
Nasty affair I should say;
You’d better start running, get going today;
You bunch of hoodlums, you cowards, you trash;
No doubt, this Nation will toss you all out on your ass.


Bipartisanship, what a laugh; what a farce!
Servility and your stupidity
has kept this Nation apart.

You’re smug and your arrogant and you’re oh so demure,
and the People tried hard to embrace and endure
your total alienation of their interests and heart.
They know now you’re empty and just playing a part
of a lawmaker who has no clue what to do;
Of a man whose inept; a trickster with slight of hand;
A man who had promised to sanction the land,
but instead has taken every advantage he can.
Hey, he’s got medical and security for the rest of his life,
and so do his children and so does his wife.
Piss on the rest of us, the Hill doesn’t care
if our children are hungry and our cupboards are bare.

It is with covert cowardice and malice of thought
that you think, ‘cause it’s you’, you will never be caught.
The People will simply go along and endorse
your ridiculous schemes, expenses, and outrageous demands,
and you think you’re the smartest to rule over our land.

Ha! You think you can fool us again?
With the words of our beloved 16th President, Abe Lincoln.
He knew what the deal was even back then;
He knew what was coming and was right in the end:

“You can fool some of the people all of the time,
And all of the people some of the time, but
You cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

I say to you now and I say it quite clear:
Get thee out of our towns ; get the hell out of here.
We don’t want your blame game--
We’re sick to death of it now;
We’re hungry for honest men
with a little know-how.
Leave us alone, please, stop badgering us!
We’re tired of your rhetoric, and we’re loathe with disgust
at your pathetic attempts to gain back our trust.

[Editors note: Refer to “Abe Lincoln” above and in red
And maybe this time you’ll get it through your thick head]


It’s been several months since I’ve worked on this poem;
I’ve been sidetracked and worried with crises at home.
The cost of living concerns me, it’s true;
We’re bankrupt, we’re renting, our bills are past due.

Our neighbors have lost their homes through short sales
Their lives have been gutted, and they think they have failed.

My heart yearns for decades I knew in the past
with the likes of Walt Disney, Ronald Regan, and Cass.
But my dreams of our Country and the lives we embraced
are all gone now with taxes and wars and pure waste.

What has our Country evolved to this year?
Our citizens are fearful that anarchys near.
They’ve hidden their assets, they’re living in fear;
What has our great Country become?
What have we surrendered? What rights have been lost?
What lives have been sacrificed? What’s forever been lost?

Unknown if it will happen in my time;
If I will open the paper one day and find
that sanity has returned to the big House of White;
that someone has emerged to champion this great fight.
That someone “gets it” as Miller would say;
that someone has emerged to save us today.
That our Nation of People stand together
with grit and with glue;
That we’re united and determined,
That we’re red, white and blue.
For, it’s the last battle for this experiment in kind;
Can we save our Republic? Can we do it in time?

Listen up!
All you candidates who covet top gun;
Whose got the moxey the drive and the thrust;
Whose got the stamina and a thick outer crust?
You’d better step forward and stand tall and stand proud;
And you’d better be able to stand out in the crowd
of the lowlife candidates running around with no goals
but their love of money, and power, and first place in the polls.

Some man or some woman with a transparent grin
that reveals the true character living within.
Come to us now and don’t make us wait
‘cause the Hounds of the Baskervilles are crashing the gate.

Do you know Audie Murphy, Captain Sully, or John Wayne;
or J. L. Chamberlain our great hero from Maine ?
Where are our heroes now, we need you to step up;
We need a strong heart, we need marrow and guts.

It will be close, I tell you my friends;
We’ve all got a stake in our great Country’s end.
Or, is it a beginning? Or, is it just time for a true leader
to emerge from behind the eight ball;
who’ll step up for us all and answer the call.

Think about it, my fellows, I pray.
What can be done to get us back home
to the Declaration of Rights we held dear;
To the Constitution and the men we revered?


Be careful mine enemy;
Don’t threaten our door;
Don’t tease us; don’t poke us;
Don’t dare us much more .

You’re safe
as long as the Eagle ‘s at rest.
And she’s preening her feathers
and at home in her nest.

Ah, but don’t fool yourself; don’t underestimate her.
She’s sizing you up from her aerie atop,
and she’s stands poised and ready
to swoop down and drop.
And with deadly precision her talons will crush
any threat to her safety that hides in the brush.

United We Stand!
Not just a metaphor:
We live it; we breathe it
right down to our core.
We stand hand in hand with our brothers at arms:
And we’re fierce, and we’re dogged
when there’s cause for alarm.

Do you remember Pearl Harbor and the Second World War?
As a Nation we were outraged, we signed up by the score.
We forgot our petty tyrannies
and rose up to the challenge at hand;
And Admiral Yamamoto sat and cried for Japan:

"A military man can scarcely pride himself on having 'smitten a sleeping enemy'; it is more a matter of shame, simply, for the one smitten. I would rather you made your appraisal after seeing what the enemy does, since it is certain that, angered and outraged, he will soon launch a determined counterattack.”

Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq
They seemed meaningless wars; we lost our best men;
In some cases families, or neighbors, or friends.

Wounded Warriors is a charity that sees through the guise
Of those who would deceive us with trickery and lies.
Beware when you donate to causes “so just” that
your dollars aren’t rerouted to causes that bust.
I know this, I’ve been there, I was completely amazed at
how the unions and “charities” kept their lambs in a haze.

Hold your heart, drop your cap, and stand up when you hear
The Star Spangled Banner
Or a veteran’s parade marching near.
Or a homecoming for a soldier you may never have known
who risked life and limb or maybe never came home.
To his beloved family and loved ones so dear
we say “thank you”…and know we can never repay
the sacrifice you off’d up; the fear lodged in your throat,
the wrench in your gut while our enemies gloat.
When he did not hear the rocket so near
To his foxhole, or dugout, or hell hole or ear.


Our People! God help us
We fight for just cause.
We protect those who hate us
We enforce all our laws.

We now have to worry and cower and fret;
We’ve now got our guard up—
Everyone’s “politically correct”.
Don’t bump ANY group, ethnic party, or sect.
What a colossal web we’ve weaved for ourselves;
What bumbling idiots.
It’s a regular Hitchcock train wreck.

We are pathetic……So our enemies say
that we’re simply content to play this sick game;
That we’re washed up, and dried up, and feeble and lame.

C’mon all you People! Every Person! Stand up!
Defy fear, step forward, have courage, hold tight.
Don’t sit there in pity, don’t abandon this fight!
For you are Americans, you’re tough and you’re true;
Your patriotism is mirrored with red, white, and blue.


“To Protect and to Serve”
That’s the badge on our door,
but it doesn’t mean very much any more.

Though the spirit of ’76 still flows through my veins,
I’m old, and I’m tired; now I walk with a cane.
I can’t muscle up, and I can’t muzzle down,
And the men that I rode with are no longer around.

The gang I belonged to wore stars on their chests;
Gun belts, side arms, and bullet proof vests.
But I can’t rally the cause anymore;
My time is past; and my body is sore.

My Lady:
Am I the only one to see the rot and decay
of a Country whose People have wandered away
from the ethics and principles that got them this far?

Our Nation was weakened! They lowered the bar.
And suddenly it was easy for Wall Street to cheat.
And everyone got in on the word from the street.
It was “all about me” the here and the now;
No one cared ‘bout futures ‘cept the ones on the Dow.

Well, that turned out to be a costly mistake;
It destroyed everyone and everything in its wake.
Investors lost millions; Madoff got made;
Fannie and Freddie simply couldn’t be saved.

And this,
All this happened while the People sat in fear,
and watched their hopes and their dreams
and their homes disappear.

You villains , you bastards, you bumblers, you brutes;
You fiends--You ducked out and took all the loot .

My heart is broken; my Country is gone;
What’s left is weakened, broken, forlorn .
I have no more spirit to rally the cause;
I’m busted and broken; I can’t help you now.

There was a time when I gave it my all;
When I risked my life; when they sounded the call.
Our leaders were men of honor and strength.
We had pride in our Country; we’d go to great lengths.

Now, it’s tattoos and piercings and pants ‘round your knees
When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
And our enemies know they can strike while we’re weak;
And they think they can easily take to our streets.

What the hell am I saying? I’ve gone completely insane!
There’s no question I’d fight ‘till I take my last breath;
And I’d stand with tattoo girl with pants ‘round her neck.
Whatever it takes from without or within;
to defend this Great Nation all over again.

Wake up America! We need you to shine;
You must keep your promise to deliver mankind!
There’s a place for dissention, for debate, to sling mud ………
But we cannot ignore obligations conceived with our blood.