If i fall will you catch me?

I  don?t know why I feel this way today I feel so tired and weak. I feel like I?m screaming loudly but the words come out softly as I speak. Today was just not a good day that is why I feel this way. So much aggravation building up inside, trying to avoid those who don?t matter and trying to run and hide. I don?t know why I care so much about what other people think?I feel like I am ten inches big and everyone stands so tall. It?s as if everything I say is pointless like I shouldn?t say it at all. I seem to be happy every day but it never really works out that way. As people keep talking the hole starts to get deeper. As I keep feeling low the hike just seems to get steeper. I have everything I ever wanted and I?m happy for what I have? but I feel like I don?t deserve it as if I did something bad. Wondering why I was givin all the things I have?wondering why I?m happy I have them but on the other hand feel so bad. I?m not afraid to take this fall because I know it is you that will catch me, I?m not afraid to share feelings with you?because you?re the only one that can see. You?re the only person I fit in with and I can just be me. I?m tired of living up to other people?s expectations instead of my very own. I feel as if I?m pressured to make something out of myself? it makes me feel alone. Alone inside this misery but yet great full to have you?you are the only thing I can feel anymore you are the only thing that?s true. I want to be able to feel happy without anyone elses helping me all the time. It doesn?t bother me that people want me to be happy but sometimes I just feel like crying. I feel like I have taken everyone for granted and they don?t know how I really feel. I want those special people that I care about them and it is real. I try to be strong for those around me who are weak?but on the inside I feel just as weak as them but of that I do not speak. I have to quit my addiction for the better and the worse. This buzz from nicotine that only seems like a curse. I?m way to awake to try and sleep tonight?I just want to write my feelings so farewell and goodnight.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem randomly when i was feeling kind of down..

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