Why did you follow me?

I wonder what you think when you first see me

Do you smile?

Or do you go on without acknowledging me

I wonder if I cross your mind just a bit

Do you judge me?

Can you see my long dark brown wavy hair

or my dark brown skin

Do you look into my eyes 

and see that their as dulce como la barra de caramelo

Or that I'm a young Hispanic woman 

I wonder if you're insinuating racial slurs 

Or maybe you're not

If you had a chance to look into my past

Would you take the offer?

You’ll be surpised of my struggles and see my success

Being in college means

I'm a student

And being Mexicana still means

I'm a human being

Not a criminal 

Not a thief

Not someone who wants to cause harm

I know what you thought when you first saw me

That I will steal because I'm Mexican

So why did you follow me?

Or did you really want to assist me?

Because when you lost track of me

Why did you panic?

You didn't see me but I saw you

and your eyes were frantic

I was confused 

What made you feel this way?

But when you said,"Can I help you with something?" 

I could see through and hear your thoughts 

Was that your prejudice talking?

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