The magnun

¡It was 4 of July in 2003 and my grandfather finally would show us his best gun, a silver magnum. That magnum was amazing it had a grip panel made of white pearl, the cylinder for that magnum was made for eight bullets, instead of six bullets that is normally for a regular magnum. That magnum came from his father and his father won it in some special tournament. The magnum has an incredible case, that case was made of pure wooden and has an engraved handmade. One day I saw my grandfather shooting at some cans and fortunately he let me shoot the gun 4 times, that was my best day in all that summer vacation. Every time my grandfather talks about how he loves his gun and how much he cares. He always talks about the processes of how you need to clean the gun. Where ever we go he always had a very interesting story of that gun. Always in the family trips, he had all our attention we do not need music or games to have fun, what we only need was to listen one of his best story about his magnum. I always wanted to visit his house only for listen more stories and yes of course to saw his magnific magnum. He always said that if you have a gun you must had it in a very safety place, because it would be very dangerous if someone grabs it. He always hidden below the closet and also he hidden the bullets in some different place around the house, that only with the goal to keep us safe. Another thing that I love of that magnum was that my grandfather has eight silver bullets. Those bullets were amazing, you can saw yourself in them. Also he had a gun belt, that gun belt was made of leather and surprisingly the gun belt looked like new. All these things was very important to our family because in some way show us the value of hard working, there is no such a thing, I really loved that, he taught me a lot of things, not only about the magnum, but how careful you should be with everything, the real meaning of fun was not on the videogames, was in what he could tell me about his experiences, and all of it, started as simple as with a magnum.


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