Drugged world

English whispers

I couldn’t see more than this inebriated world

I couldn’t see more than souls been sold

The sky opened its gates to welcome pure little kids’ souls

While the land been plashed with their blood

Is this what they call it humanity?

Is this what they call it right?

Fair, peace, justice, or life

What do these words mean?

Where do they exist?

Don’t they come without power package?

Are they only for some and not for others?

Israel is a fabricated lie

It is a falsehood story that been believed by a drugged world

It is just a nightmare will be ended sometime by one awaking

Dear world, stop taking your daily drug dose!

Wake up only once to see the truth

To see what is right and what is wrong

Dear world, you need Rehabilitation

But please, first, stop killing angels

Yara Mohammad


06:30 AM


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