
Old School

My racing heart pumps fear

My worries surface

The indecent sweat pouring from my head

Its that un-nerving feeling

The everlasting negatives that plague me

Where is it that I've lost myself?

Or maybe I was never there

Silly qualms igniting my fire

Worried about what matters not

But not worried about what matters most

Always looking in the wrong direction

To find the answers I seek

But what answers can I find

If the questions I ponder about are too hard to ask?

So absent minded

Sometimes I forget even the simple things

Its not by my will to forget, it happens

My impatience causes instability

My own biggest fault, none of which anyone is to blame

My quickness to judge

Not seeing the truth before me

Not seeing the matter at hand

In a bigger picture

Not hearing both sides

This flaw that hides the truth from me

Forces me to make improper decisions

Causing me to conjure the wrong ideas

I'm falling into a deep hole

No light can be seen, just darkness in front of me

Why cant I escape this prison

These chains which bind me here

My eyes burned by my ignorance

Each passing day without you makes it harder to bear

My love for you is undying and eternal

All I want is to be near you

To feel your skin against my own

To kiss your soft tender lips

Why is it that we have to fight great odds?

Foiled by these battles

I was burned and broken

The blood on these hands

The tears from these eyes

The hatred from this will

Its all a menagerie of anger

In the end of the days

When the battles are done

We will bond as one

Our wounds will heal

But until that day

You’ll just be bound by others ignorance

And I will be locked in this prison

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