
Hear My Voice!

In the morning, a tainted coat surrounds my skeleton of guilt.

With a mind of anguish and body of dread. I feel as if im dead as i tread this world, I walk another way.

With a troubled past, Feels like sheets of iron on my back.

A mind of many kind, at least i can say i tried. With one bride of the angel face, Carved by god himself. To live was unseen

seen by keen tree's who sprout in thy direction. Why thy carved by holy stone? for it itches me to the bone, When i see you blinded not only by beauty.

Thy Mind is gifted, Lifted high by Knowledge tides. Endowed by looks and bowed by me, The elequince is soft at peace. Thy movements soft like that of water.

Why thy thought is brought by Knowledge itself, a vauge term for something so detremental. Why must thy cast a spell on me, the deed is done. Oh why isn't love something... I may be poor, knocking from door to door. But hear my voice and make thy choice pain me not, for i shall die in thy cot. Ill breath another day Far Away...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this in confusion of a girl i used to love,

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