A Thousand Birds




Night fell like a thousand birds from the sky

Who flew in grace and harmonizing song

The gaggle of geese

With honks and gongs sounding loud

From far off

As if a warning call to the darkness ahead


And, I thought how strange it is

That into the very face of darkness they boast

Of their strength in numbers

Of their place under the fallen sun

And, without fear of what their journey might bring


So, I unspooled my canvas sleeping bag

Under the vast Oklahoma sky

To watch Orion rise like The Statue of the Night

And, imagined the tension of his bow

Finding its chance to recoil

On the very geese defying the darkness of his abode


And, I imagined a battle unlike any before

Where a great many stood their ground

To face a new kind of Goliath

And, that instead of a single sling

Courage collected the whole throng

And, toppled the statue without a single stone thrown


And, as my dream continued on

I witnessed darkness cower to the dawn

And, feather's once flying

Finding their way between my fingers

As the story spilled on out

After having lingered upon and within the quill of my own mind

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