Soul Might Sing

I read somewhere a long while back

There is a thing many men search for

To fill in the deepest shades of black

With shades only a woman’s heart can know

As the story dove deeper into suspense

A broken heart took refuge in its own hurt

And spoke only in a tongue of defense

For hurt is the consequence a broken heart births

And, as he walked the concrete sidewalks

The good Lord shown His face in the irony of autumn leaves

How hope is not a seasonal thought to be lost

But, rather is hard as hell as is easy to hold on to

As the night sky filled brightly by a confident moon

Twisted around by the spinning of the earth

A change of heart blew in quickly like a changing tune

As beautifully as a women’s soul might sing

But, before my eyes could read a single word further

I felt a sense of unity with the author of the character

Knowing a story of fiction had never been truer

For he knew that faith was as fortress that a lover’s loss could easily crumble

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