
Spinning somewhere in the world are hearts falling in love

Awake after twenty hours of talking, after twenty years of waiting

Two souls are finding their mates

Over eggs in a café hidden beneath the stars

And, she accidentally confesses her heart coming alive

Blushing, she fumbles for an excuse

He says that’s old news

And, that his awoke twenty hours prior to her slip of tongue

Sleep ain’t coming soon

After twenty years, that need's been cut loose

And, I ain’t about to lose you

After twenty hours of loving you

He could see in her eyes, his heart and children

Acting the part of airplane, flying in to piles of leaves and laughing

On a lazy autumn evening, and in the prayer of his dreams

Finally holding the lover God had promised him she would be

And, taken back in to the present situation

Blushing, he stumbles for an excuse

She says that’s old news

And, that she’s been dreaming the same dream for twenty years

After twenty years, they say it went so fast

And, for twenty years, they’ve held each other tight

With the strength of love’s great and beautiful grasp

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