Your Release


One time I fell in love with you

Caught a glimpse of your warmth

Then, caught a cold and my death ensued

And, you never knew

Now, my courage is the spirit I give to you

And, my soul is the half of you

You've been searching for since you were a little girl

I give it all to you

My hope, my love, my world

I am the cold rush of air

In the blaring heat of the summer

I am your release

I am yours to garner

My strength is yours

Should you need safe harbor

If I could tell you one thing

I hope you'd listen

And, it's that you shouldn't find solace in reason

Because, love is not a explanation

And, now that time has passed

Memory is my only possession

But, memory can't explain how I came to this decision

Now, my courage is the spirit I give to you

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