

You hear a songbird singing his song

Walking in the park, as the wind sings her own

Symphony of winter trees

Perfect violins holding perfect strings

Singing winter out of her repose

Though, none of her songs will be known

She couldn't care less, since your eyes will witness

What your ears have forgotten to understand

Camel-haired scarves wrapped around caramel-colored hair girls

Life is the most beautiful mural you may never see

And, gone are the days of yesterday now that the future unfurls

Quicker than you can run away

Cold, rainy days and overcast sky

Look up at the clouds before the Northern geese get too high

As they make their way south

I wonder if they have reservations for where they're going

Or, if they're just flying because they can

Or, if they're going to land beside the one whose hand they've been holding

The whole flight through

The whole flock flew away today, and now I miss you

Is there sand between your toes

As you walk the beaches of the Southern Hemisphere

Cause, I can't see anything now but faceless girls who I place your face upon

And, oh my goodness, I have this fear that I won't see you again

Cause, all I can see now...

Camel-haired scarves wrapped around caramel-colored hair girls

I wonder where in the world you are tonight

I wonder if you can hear my sigh as I sing this song to you tonight

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