

You come crying, so exposed

Tell me what happened

You can spill your soul now

It's safe and two's not a crowd

And, even if it were

I wouldn't care if the whole world

Witnessed me comforting you

I've heard death is the most beautiful light you will ever know

And, don't you realize, someday you will

I've experienced life drown light in the darkness of fear

And, swallow life down into that infinite well

But, you're only chance to live is right now

Abigail, don't cry anymore

You're going to win this battle

And, consequently, the entire war

Your greatest weapon is your ability to ignore

The forces the world's trying to pull you with

Let them witness your inner-strength

And, Abigail, don't let them push you down

There's a reason if you want to see it

And, there's a piece of the puzzle that will fit

You just haven't choosen it yet

But, you will

So, Abigail, don't cry anymore

You're going to win this war

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