We All Have Covers (World Keeps Turning)

My Thoughts

The griever's grieve

The leaver's leave

The liars lie

The crier's cry

And the world keeps turning

The sinner's sin

The beginner's begin

The forgiver's forgive

The giver's give

And the world keeps turning

Everyone's different but we're all the same

The only difference is our name

We've all tried and sometimes we only fail

Like a dog chasing his tail

We all run in place

The loser's lose

The chooser's choose

The winner's win

The lender's lend

And the world keeps turning

The laugher's laugh

The clapper's clap

The speaker's speak

The keeper's keep

And the world keeps turning

Everyone's the same but we're all different

Just like our finger prints

We've all failed but we all keep on trying

Life is more than just dying

We all find our place

Just like books we all have covers

That hold the story of who we are

Judgements are placed on appearance and past

And first impressions always last

Locks are placed on the people we know

Although they're friends they never show

Who they are or who the want to be

Just like books we push aside

The depth of us will always hide

The writer's write

The fighter's fight

The dreamer's dreams

The screamer's scream

And the world keeps turning

The lover's love

The hugger's hug

The hater's hate

The dater's date

And the world keeps turning

Just like books we all have covers

That hold the story of who we are

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