

Recipe for disaster, you're plan is upon me

How can I relax when you're about to devour me

Should I run or should I wait quietly

Should I run or should I wait quietly for you

I wish I would have learned patience

And, maybe I wouldn't be in the position

Of forever disappointing you

But, my hunger is steadily growing

And, not to satiate soon

If I were simply a dead animal

And of only use to a scavenger

Why do I always feel your eyes sample

Why do I always feel your eyes land upon me

If I could relate, you know I would

I'd make a point to try and understand you

With the best interpretation I could

With the best interpretation I could muster

But, these days I don't have time like that

No, these days I haven't the time at all

I wish I would have learned patience

And, maybe I wouldn't be in the position

Of forever disappointing you

But, my hunger is steadily growing

And, not to satiate soon

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