Weather Man


So, you are all dressed

Assuming the weather

By the climactic tether

So you prepare

Without knowing

How much you will need

to measure Up

to the natural

twists and turns

Frost biting burns

But, you are dressed

No sin have you confessed

But you expect to be blessed

With no sun block

You will be scorched

by the test

Why wait all day

Why delay to pray till

After the mishaps

And the falls

That could have been


With just one call . . .

On his name

Which could have affected

The outcome of the game

Too many strike outs

Too many missed balls

Instead of hitting your target

You fumble to the stall

Like a wild horse,

that needs to be tamed

your spiritual habits

need to be trained

like a soldier

ready to fight

in thundering rain

or sunshine bright

but you have to check

with- the- weather man

to get your gear on right

never dressed sloppy

but decked, armor bright

shoes on tight

so you will not fall

in autumn

freeze over in winter

burn out in the summer

lose the spring in your step

as the climate cools

check with the weather man

not the lock down on tether man

check in before you step out

yes, check up

down on your knees

© Gail Brown 2005


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