
Death By Touch



I was letting the bone chilling water drown me and my sorrows. I let them blend in with my free falling tears. Sir Gargilre Ferdinand Ectmech was dead. He was dead because of me. I caused his death. I had caused it without even touching him. He sacrificed himself, so tat I may have a few moments of happiness. He was right. I would have talked him out of it. I would have told him to forget about the potion and that I would have told Melarvious that I could not. I would have waited ‘til he had found a potion that was not the least bit temperamental. I would have waited. Yes, I know that would have meant waiting longer to be able to hold Melarvious, but it would have been worth it to still have Sir Gargilre Ferdinand Ectmech still alive and well and with us. What had he meant anyway by all those things he’d spoken in his letter? What had he meant by Melarvious and I being perfect replacements for ones parents? Did he actually mean that he thought of me as a father? Is that what he’d meant? Me his father and Melarvious his mother? Somehow, that accusation did not seem so odd. I could always tell that---to a degree--- Sir Gargilre had looked up to me. I just did not picture it in a way such as that. “How could I have been such a fool?”

  I finally step out of the shower, after being in there for close to two hours, and my towel around me. I enter back into the living room on the search for the rest of my clothing and accessories from last night.

  “It is about time you exited from that forsaken shower. I was beginning to believe you had passed.”

  I raise my hands to waist level, with them glowing black and smelling of putrefied death. “Who is there?” I was not in the mood for visitors, especially those of the unwelcome persuasion.

  “For the love of God, put those things away and look over on the couch.”

  I lower my hands and look over towards the couch to find a tiny creature draped in white, sitting upon the back of the couch. It was simple to find her sitting amongst all that black. “And who might you be?” I say stepping towards her.

  When I was only a foot from her she ends her pondering and speaks. “I do not have a name, if that is what you are getting at. But I believe, for your sake, you may call me Relief.”

  “It is a pleasure, Relief.” I bow slightly to the creature. “Now why, may I ask, are you here? What is your business?”

  “My business for being here”---she stands and her wings flutter just a slight--- “Is to assist you in your grieving. Mr. Ectmech created me to help relieve you of you grieving and remorse before he passed. I am the part of his soul the holds his happiness, his love, and his memories. One slight touch from me and all the pain you feel shall vanish as you consume me.”

  “Really? Just one touch from you and the pain is gone?”

  “Yes, now bend so you are at eye level with me. I want to be able to see the relief flood through your eyes as I am being consumed.” She makes a gesturing motion with both her arms.

  I bend so that I am at eye level with her. “Is that you named yourself Relief?”

  She giggles. “Very much, yes. Now reach out your finger, I want you to be filled with me as soon as possible.”

  “You are pushy little spirit pixie. You do realize that right?” I chuckle as she places her hands on her tiny hips and holds out her left hand. I lift my right index and reach towards her tiny, little hand. I could already feel the relief. I could already, once again, feel the happiness and joy I had felt only hours ago, but seemed as if it were decades ago. I was so close to touching her when something sharp edged attacks my face. I back my face away standing a bat at the thing before me. “Get out of my face you blasted little annoyance!” I finally hit it halfway across the room. I tilt my head. “A paper pixie?” It come at me again, full force. I dodge it. Flames begin to shoot up from its hands and normal fist sized flame balls come whirling at me. I dodge them and duck behind the tiny creature. Wait…a paper pixie. There were only two people I knew that that were able to create them successfully and use them as little love letters and invitations. Since one of those people was deceased, that only left one other. “Sir Ectmech’s wife has sent you, has she not?”

  “Yes, she hasss!” It hisses and pitches another softball sized fireball at my head.

  I duck down in time for it singe off part of my hair. “You had better be lucky I have a spell to fix this?” I growl, as I lunge towards it.

  It dodges me and pulls forth a paper sword. It begins to swing it back and forth.

  “Stop this at once and let me read your contents, you papier-mâché project gone awry!”

  “I will not let your filthy touch soil me, but I shall speak my contents to you.”

  “Very well, then,” I growl. “Speak!” I bark.

  “Sadly to say, you, Dark One, are invited to Sir Gargilre Ferdinand Ectmech’s funeral as a close companion of him, by orders of his last request. His funeral shall be a month from this date. I shall return when it is close to the funerals set date and give you the coordinates for where it shall be held. If you dislike where it is held, do not blame the wife, it was one of her husband’s dieing wishes to be buried there. I will also return, sadly, to give you the information of the designated time and the appropriate attire to wear to the funeral. If you are one second late, you shall not be admitted in. You may also bring someone with you, if you so choose. Are there any questions?” I hear it mumble, “Please don’t let there be.”

  I blow it a fourth of the way across the living room. “No. Now be gone out of my sight and out of the loft.”

  It growl-hisses at me and says, “Fine, but I shall destroy your precious Relief before I do.”

  The spirit pixie skitters over and smacks it. “You shall do no such thing! How dare you?!” White flames begin to circle around her. “I am Relief, Dark One’s spirit pixie, sent by Sir Gargilre Ferdinand Ectmech! I am here to relieve Dark One of any pain he may feel towards Mr. Ectmech’s death! For regardless of what you, his wife, or the Dark One believes, it is not the Dark Ones fault. How dare you attack me?! I demand an apology!”

  The paper pixie glowers at me as it says. “I shall apologize once my mistress’s feelings towards Dark One have changed. Until then, I apologize to no one.” With that, the paper pixie disappears in a small black flame.

  I run my fingers through my hair, making it grow back out to its usual length to my knees. “I need to get dressed. I have a tutoring session this morning.”

  “What is her name?” The little pixie flutters around my head.

  “I do not know. I only call her Miss.” I pick out my black suit with the crimson pinstripes, a black dress shirt, my favorite crimson tie, and dress shoes.

  She tilts her head. “Do you not think you are a tad too over dressed?”

  “No, I have been wearing suits since they were first made.”

  “Well this is a new era, Love. Do you not think it is about time to fit in with the time period? What about the clothes over there piled on your bed? They seem suited for this day and age.”

  “I only wore those for Melarvious last night. Today is today and that means it is time to go back to my usual wear.”

  “Oh, try something different Dark One. It will not be the end of the world. It will be a fresh start. It will be…a new look. So what do you say?”

  I look over to Relief pondering her statement. She could be right. It could time for a change. Sadly, that idea does not sit well with me. It never has.“I say, that I need to go. My tutoring session is in a half an hour and I have to walk there.” I put on my overcoat, hat, and dark glasses.

  “You do not have a car?”

  “Why would I need one? I am in a city, and I enjoy my walks.” I make my way towards the door.

  “It is time for something new Dark One. It is time for a change.”

  “Farewell, Relief. I shall see you after my sessions.”

  “Sessions? I thought it was just one?”

  “Farewell.” I, literally, step through the door, float down the elevator shaft, and go on my way to the campus’s library. “This morning has gone from Melarvious to plain annoyance.”

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