
Death By Touch



Dear Ducky,

        I decided that I’m coming over to see you tonight around midnight. So that should give you enough time for one of your “leisurely strolls” and for you to get back home and, as you would say, “prepare for a dear, close old friend’s arrival.” Did I say it right Ducky? I hope I did. I should be able to mimic you perfectly now since we’ve known each other for… 1,001? 1,002 years? Anyway, I kinda’ decided to come and see you cuz of you popping up the other day. You’ve been on my mind ever since then, Ducky. I really miss you. And it kinda’ feels like you’ve been avoiding me. Regardless of what you say Ducky, you are my friend, I want to come and see you, I WILL be there to see you, AND I AM GETTING MY HUG!!! Well, that’s all I’m saying for now. Bye Ducky!

                       QUACK! QUACK!

                                          Melvie M.

     P.S. Please call me Melvie when you see me. You’ve known me long enough that you don’t have to be so formal and junk wiffs me. Love you Ducky! KISSES!


I was reading Melarvious’s letter, as I made hast to a very powerful, very close wizard companion of mine. His name is Gargilre Ectmech. An odd name, I know, but it is an odd name for an odd man. He has been roaming this earth for a little over half a century, yet he does not look a year over twenty-five. In my opinion, that is the only good thing of being either seemingly or utterly immortal. As I was saying earlier, I am rushingly on my way to Sir Gargilre’s humble abode to see if he has perfected a certain potion for me. He has been attempting in perfecting it for most of his life, and all for me and my condition. He was a hundred, Sir Gargilre was, when I stumbled upon his existence and he offered me his assistance.


I flail into a building blindly, as I am forced to escape the sun and its searing rays yet another day. “Blasted changing! I cannot even enjoy the sunlight anymore, without it almost blinding me! Ugh! Melarvious should not have let me exit out of her house alone.” Once my eyes finally heal and adapt, I take a look at the dusty cobweb filled…building of some sort. A house, perhaps? I scan its shelves filled with dust and cobwebs and…books---the only things in this building not covered in dust and cobwebs. I pick up one of them and scan through its contents and all I see are weird names, ingredients, and recipes. I pick up a few more and scan through them. “These are…cookbooks?”

  “Not exactly.”

  I jump at the sound of the unexpected voice from somewhere behind me. “Who’s there?” I turn around instinctively, prepared to defend myself. “I shall only say this one other time! Who is there?!”

  The dust on the floor whirls around in a miniature tornado, as an unknown, bodiless male voice says, “The owner of those books you are touching. Now, who are you Youngman, if I may ask?”

  I cross my arms, knowing that the sourceless voice could do me no real harm. “You may, but I do not give my name.”

  “Then what shall I call you?”

  “You may call me anything, so long as it is within a respectable manner. I despise childish little pseudonyms.”

  It chuckles. “How refreshing, a lad that knows how to speak and speaks with such authority. May I call you Dark One?”

  “I do not see why not. But why it, exactly?”

  The dust finally settles and a young man that looks no older than I steps forth. “I am able to sense a very dark source surrounding you. Tell me. Are you a creature of both the night and of the dark?”

  My body stiffens by this man’s swift accusation of me, but I only swallow hard and keep my face indifferent. “And what reason would you have for knowing, if I was this so called creature of the night and of the dark, as you so put it?”

  “I only wish to know more about you if you were. It is rare that a creature of such nature stumbles upon my home. It is always refreshing to have company, including those who are of my kind.”

  “Your kind?”

  “Yes!” He speaks cheerfully, “I am a wizard, or as the mortals call us, witches.”

  “Are they not the same thing?” I was becoming more and more intrigued with this man before me. He seemed to glow with a power unknown even to me, and I have been in contact with almost every immortal both known and unknown to these mortals.

  “Not necessarily, but I really do not feel as if that needs to be spoken as of this moment and time. We shall save that for another time when our paths cross once more. What I inquire at this specific moment and time is what creature of the night and dark you are. Do you even know?”

  “I am an immortal both consumed of darkness and evil. That is all I shall speak on the matter. Now, what is your name?”

  “The name’s Gargilre Ectmech. It is a pleasure to meet you Dark One.” He holds out his hand in greeting.

  I nod my head in acceptance of his words. “Like wise.”

  He slowly drops his hand back to his side and stares at me incredulously. “Is there something wrong with my hand? Why did you not shake it?”

  “It is a part of my creature. Those that I touch are caused pain…” And that was all that had to be said before my whole life’s story had ascended up my throat, along my tongue, and over my lips, cascading out of my mouth. I told him of loves, friends, acquaintances, etc. I spoke of all of them, including my very overvescent friend. And as I spoke, looks of sympathy, pain, empathy, and remorse passed along his face; his features would darken to the point to where I felt as if he were much, much older than his appearance has lead on to believe. Much older.

  “Well, I am sorry to hear of all those horrible things, and to know that they have all happened to you makes it even worse. You seem as if you are a pleasant and respectful young man.”

  “It is none your fault Sir Gargilre. I assure you, though I am in gratitude of your kind and generous hospitality.” I look around at the dust and cobweb covered room and furniture. “I do believe that I shall be leaving now. The sun is most likely either set or at a place in the sky to where it shall not be so searing to my eyes.”

  “Would you care for a potion?”

  I turn to him. “Pardon?”

  “I can whip up a quick potion that shall help you just the slightest. It should improve your sight and how you are able to withstand the sun’s rays.” He smiles, with a tiny undecipherable glint in his eyes as he speaks, “I believe that I may also be able to create a potion to where you can touch someone and not kill them or cause them pain.”

  Ever since that moment and time, Gargilre and I have true companions to one another. He is truly a man to trust.


I come to my old companion’s door and walk right in. I know he knows of my presence and has sensed my arrival to be at any moment now, so I need not knock. I look around at the same décor that has infested Sir Gargilre‘s home since I had first been within his presence. The room and furniture were both covered in dust and cobwebs, as usual. And also, as usual, the only things in the room not covered in dust and cobwebs were his books. “Sir Gargilre Ectmech?”

  A head pops up from a far off table at the opposite of the room. It is a young man’s head only a year or two younger looking than mines, and it is smiling. “Bark Un!” He rises fully and the dust and cobwebs around him begin to ripple and whirl. “To vhat bo I owe dis pleasant surprize?” I immediately hand him the note from Melarvious, and he reads. “Dah, I zee, zoo have come for da potion.”

  “Yes. Have you perfected it yet, Gargilre?”

  He shakes his head. “Zorry dear combpanion, I have not perzected zit zust yet. Zat leazt zo dat zit iz permanent.”

  “But you have created one?” I take a step towards him.

  “Yes, I have, but zit iz ztill dery demperzamental.” His body tenses as he speaks, as if he is not comfortable being on this specific topic.

  “Sir Gargilre, I do not care. I can ignore anyone’s requests and commands, but Melarvious’s. She a dear and true old friend. I cannot deny her of what she commands. I do not know why, but it has been that way ever since we were children. The only reason why I have been able to get away without touching her, of all people, is either A: avoiding her, or B: her not coming straight forward and demanding a hug. Sir Gargilre, I need this potion. I will take the precautionary measures you so heed to me, but I must have that potion.” I looked deep within the eyes of faithful companion, pleading with him to have mercy on a dark and evil immortal and give me what I needed most at this time. The potion. The sweet, long not so forgotten tough of a Miss Melarvious Myth.

  I saw the hesitancy within those deep, deep indigo pools. I saw his body tense even more. I saw the uncertainty flash through his eyes. I heard the whirls of doubt shift through his mind. But in the end, I almost leapt into his arms once he said, “Zo zoo need zit dy midnight, jorrect?”

  I smile, so very grateful that my companion understood my predicament. “Correct, Sir Gargilre.”

  “Den zit zhall dee bun dy then. Go zon jour valk. I Know zoo vant to.”

  “You, my companion, are correct. I shall go on my stroll and shall be back here promptly at quarter past eleven. Farewell until then Sir Gargilre.”

  “Vill, do, Bark Un.”

  I leave his home appreciative of his kindness and understanding. Sir Gargilre did not have to make such a promise to me all those years ago. I would have been content if our paths and not ever crossed. Though I would probably be closer to insanity than I already am, and darkness and evil surely would have consumed me by now. I know it would have. For without my encounter and agreement with Sir Gargilre Ectmech, I would have no hope and hope is what fuels that tiny sliver of goodness with me. The hope that I would once be able to hug and hold and comfort Melarvious as I once had in the very distant past. How refreshing would that be? To hold Melarvious once more. To not have to see eyes filled with unwanted tears, her heart filled with unwanted emotions, unwanted pain. It would be absolutely Melarvious.

  The night seemed so much more tolerable. The solidarity of my shadowed shield seemed less sanity erasing. I could walk past old acquaintances and not long for their company. I did not long to be included deep within their conversation. I was content in solidarity. So content that I let down my shield and walked as if I were completely and utterly normal. I smiled and waved to others. I greeted them with whole-heartedness. I enjoyed this so very much. I walked along the streets as if this, this night were the dawn of a new beginning, so to speak. I honestly could not remember a single time in my life where I was this happy. I could not remember the last time I was able to touch someone and not cause the immense excruciating pain and ultimately their death. It was so refreshing to know that for only a slight moment that I would be able to hug and to hold the one other person in this world that has meant something to me over the centuries. She shall be so happy to be hugged by me and not get hurt. I may even call her Melvie just to see the shock, surprise, and happiness that I know shall radiate that gorgeous face of hers. That smile. That smile has only left her face a bakers dozen times. I have only seen her serious a handful of times. I have seen her sad and hurt the same amount. I have seen her in excruciating pain only several times, and that was caused by yours truly. But to see her face now would brighten this world to where there would no longer be poverty, theft, killings, rapes, molestations, corruptions, deaths, it would all be deceased. This world would, once again, be a wondrous place to live. This is figuratively speaking of course. It is just my way of describing how Melarvious shall feel and how it shall make me feel. It shall be so wonderful.

  I stop the Miss from this morning, gawking at me from not so afar. I bow to her. “Good evening Miss. It is a pleasure to see you once again. It is even more of a pleasure for that sun has now set!” I raise my hands over my head and laugh whole heartedly.

  She stands there bewildered, amazed to see me a polar opposite of what she had witnessed at the campus’s library this morning. “Who are you and what did you do to the dude I met this morning?”

  I chuckle; slowly letting my hand drop back to my sides. “I am still that same person Miss. I am just in a brighter mood.”

  She smiles, “Isn’t that kind of ironic for you to be saying that you’re in a brighter mood and you, as you would probably put it, ‘despise all things bright?’” She did indeed have a point there.

  “That is true Miss, but that is also the only way I know how to describe my mood.” My grin felt as if it were ten miles wide, though I did nothing to lessen it.

  I notice the mischievous glint deep within her eyes as she says, “I bet Dracula would probably beat you senseless if he heard you talking like this.”

  I laugh once more. “True, how very true you are Miss. Although, Dracula did have his bright moods as well. He was just a master at keeping tight and well hidden.”

  “So you know Dracula?” Her squeal of enthusiasm was most deafening,

And several by standards stopped to stare.

  I place my hand upon my chest. “Now Miss, I believed you were following me to learn more about me and not my past acquaintances.”

  She truly takes me by surprise by bowing her head in shame and saying, “I’m sorry.”

  I chuckle. “It is fine Miss. Do you still wish to have me as company for a meal?”

  Her head raises, and her face is stretched five miles long on either side. “Really?!”

  “Yes, Miss, I-” I stop for a moment and look at my watch. “On second thought, Miss, I shall have to postpone that to another night. I must be somewhere within the next fifteen minute’s time spanning. Then, I must be off back home to greet and spend time with an old friend.” I, then, turn and make off with quick haste.

  Miss calls from behind me, “Don’t you mean an acquaintance?”

  I turn to her and smile. “No, I meant what I said. I am going to see a friend. Farewell, ‘til tomorrow morning Miss.” I wave back to her, as I take one step and begin gliding to Gargilre’s home, the lights, buildings, and people only a blur to the sides of me.

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