Results of 9-11

A couple years later,we are still in the war

will it ever end??

will the bombs ever stop fallin??

what will happen next, who or what is their next target??

So much pain and loss of our loved ones...but think

so many innocent there have lost loved ones to who

are innocent??

Do we show if we care or not??


just because they live there.

What has this come to...killing each other...killing

the innocent....yes yes I know....they attacked and killed

millions of our innocent to but especially y the children..

y all the innocent...

while there was still all the killing goin on we were over here cheering "WE GOT HIM WE GOT HIM!!" but we only got one...saddam....yes I'm happy but start to limit all the killing....1 less person to worry that all??

now here we are over there rebuilding their country...shouldn't they at least be doing some of the same here...did they help any w/ "ground zero"

Mixed feelings on the results of 9-11 but they do make sense in a way

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