school day rap

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 CoolWinkTongue OutMoney Mouth♠♣♥♥♥♥eak!break! I break it noting much left to say.

it's him or me everything is oregnaly.

so you punsh me over 2 our of life, I feel to get a pistol and

dispear myself.

lingering staying for long time,

senses is  bad boy!formalis the best guy.

yes I'am a shuffling giat shuffling around plat!

I feel afraid when the police came on his feet! feet ! yeah his feet!

incradebl amizing is your paten. 

don't be so imprasant cause vouleam gone work in breatan!

wealking around as a british man.

when I showed my hundreat  poind every body graped me 

and tolled me to set down!

the teacher making his face greac when he see's 

my best friend called grace!

please becarefull don't hert them!

hey!hey don't you know hwo I'am I'll break your down!

some people called brand!

you are lucky that this is my left hand.

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