
Has the thought of me ever crossed your mind?

Because forever yours keeps drifting through mine

We’re so far apart, still, but I’ll never ever let go

I just hope that you haven’t already

If only you could remember,

I hope you haven’t forgotten

Just seeing you would be enough,

I just wouldn’t know what to say

If only there could have been more time

If only I could have been more open

Instead of shut down to the world

And what could have come my way

I wish we could have had more time together

More time not spent in the usual silence

If only it was there, if only it was forever

But now it seems like it might be never

Please give me a sign

Let me know we’re still alive

This photograph is all I have now

Serves as a reminder of what never was

And what never could have been

Either way, it was destined to fall apart

Then again, it was never supposed to come together

There can be no other half of me, because I’m forever incomplete

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