Te rains rhythm beats against my classroom window

and I realize

I spend a considerable amount of time

daydreamin' and smilin'

from thoughts of U

those thoughts are the catalyst

2 emotions that

can only be

brought 2 your attention


and even physically

I call myself poet


it may take me a lifetime

2 keep tryin' 2 put it down

4 u

maybe that is why the concept

never changes

yet it is different 4 everyone

I clse my eyes

I dream U

I open windows

I inhale U

I engage in conversation

I hear U

I take a bite or two

I savor U

I bundle up

with cozy, warm bedspreads

I feel U

I sit and session w/U

and right bthen and there

I long 4 U

U C U have come 2

mean so much 2 me

U bring so much joy 2 my world


if I haven't told U lately

it isn't b/cuz that has changed

it hasn't


never will

no matter what

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 4/30/05 in class

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