
i. regression of quintessence

the sky turned pink

when our eyes met.

the wind blew

and leaves rustled ominously

the first time our eyes met

clouds dawdled.  

the wind howled

and the trees swayed precariously

our eyes met

on a moonless night.

the regression of quintessence  

parody or paradox?

she will never know

or unable to

Refute the prestige,

the sadness

she was bedazzled.

A callous prince

talk a mile a minute


she will never refuse.

A white elephant

she rode proud

it’s him she swore

ii. serenity

trapped in darkness

groping for the light

broken, perverted dreams

on a moonless night

wide-eyed awaken

groping for the light

razor sharp implement

slicing a serene night

I remember how our eyes met.

the sorrow, the delight

the sky turned crimson –

turned away.

iii. savage

it was going to end this way

I always knew

the way she moved, crooked

the savages knew

she had it coming

she never knew

or unable to


she had to be silenced

like crickets – noisy

on a moonlit night

our eyes met

it was me

or so it seems

who else?

incriminating, the evidence must be

the sky or the moon

concealed our paths

how it crossed

you’ll never know

I wasn’t there –

not then at least

she knows.

But our eyes still met…

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sequel to Callous Love.

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