The End Of The World

It all started with four Gods, each one of them with its own element water, earth, fire and air. Millions of years ago when the creatures were just being created, the four Gods built the perfect creature, which was the reptile. The years pass and the reptiles lived in harmony with all the other creatures. But one day the reptiles began to believe that they were superior to the others and started to behave in an egocentric way, they started to fight with all the animal kingdoms.

The Gods realize that the harmony between them was falling apart and decided to apply them four tests. The first test was from the God of the Earth, he began to create movements in the earth causing earthquakes in almost every place, many reptiles decided to flee, regardless the lives of others, causing them to fall into the void while the other creatures learned to unite and survive together. The second test was the God of Water, he began to make rain last for days, causing the oceans and rivers to overflow, most reptiles couldn't swim and the creatures who could swim offered them their help but they refused, preferring to take care of themselves. The third test was the God of Air, creating tornadoes and windstorms in all the places they lived producing chaos among all the creatures.


One day the mammals realized that all the chaos that was happening in the Earth was happening thanks to the egocentric behavior of reptiles. A monkey spoke to the reptile in charge to convince him to change the behavior of the reptiles or there would be more consequences. The reptiles do not believe him, mocking him and continued with their selfish behavior. The God of fire realized that reptiles did not want to change their behaviour sending the last test that was a meteor that would impact directly to the Earth. After the meteor crashed into the Earth, various animals, including most of the reptiles, died.


The creatures who survived realized that the only ones who survived were those who changed their behavior. After that an unimaginable event happened, the four Gods fell from the sky as stars. The God of Earth went with the creatures and explained who they were and where they came from, all creatures had many questions about who these great characters were. The creatures began to argue that if they were the ones who sent the curses and the chaos to the Earth. They were questioning why if they had created them why they did all that to them. The God of water explained that what had happened was a test to define who were kind and honest creatures and who were the selfish and proud creatures. With that speech, the creatures who survived realized that if they behave generously they could live in harmony.


The lesson of this story is that every action has its consequences. If you have a bad behaviour there would be bad consequences but if you have a noble and generous behavior the good will always come naturally.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written by Katia Sepulveda, Miranda Viteri and Uriel Buitrón.

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