The Handicap


I'm stupid no konw likes me bipolar retarded

They laugh they smile they look the other way

Dumb i know i am math numbers its hard understand


I can't try when the pressure is 2 real 2 handle

I sweat drip tears i worry i sorrow i am unstable

I spazz random outburts i'm weird i'm unpredictable


I've been rejected i am neglected a curse from brith

Dumpster left away ugly 2 see oh my i wish i never

Adopted lost in a new family finding my way angry


A drop off leave 2 rot garbarg trash throw him forget

He's gone crazy know 1 give a fuck about him dismissed

Laugh at him he's a joke a lonely boy just a toy replacement


Exempt ignore the silly rabbit he's not built 4 perfection i cry

Snob n nob scream randon thoughts i go ape shit without the reason

Just 2 look at him wishing why was he born lighting storm the handicap








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