The Void Mirror (Chapter 8) Into The void.

Not even what seems like moments pass before everything that made sense about reality has totally left your perception. I open my eyes I am in the same spot I was but everything has a low glow to it. Everything illuminates light. I look at my hands, as they are a blurry dual light. Like a dimming bulb. Its not just my hand. Everything has this effect. I look from the floor to the ceiling to meg and back to me. Everything is optically blurry and oddly bright. The walls and everything around me seems to be moving as if its made of liquid. Nothing has a a solid shape. It looks as if everything has a pulse. Shadows cast by the light of all objects seem to cast more than one shadow. All a different shade of the color spectrum. This intense. This is just the begging. I don't dare try speaking or moving. It feels as if I have forgot how to do the most basic of things. There is no turning back now. We haven't crossed over yet. Meg just looks still not believing what she is seeing. Who knows if were even seeing the same exact thing.

The walls slowly illuminate more and more light till everything is such a bright white color You cannot make out what is what. It looks as if me and Meg are just sitting in White. No borders. No shadows. Just empty bland white. It is completely silent my ears don't even ring. I am still standing gripping megs hand meg.. I cannot tell where anything is. I can't see anything but us and this desolate white.

"Whats going on? I can't feel any part of my body.nothing is making sense even my thinking. I can only see you. Nothing else but white"

"me too its fine just keep calm." I say. I am not calm. actually on the inside I am freaking out. The most anxiety I have ever felt in my life.

I feel as if I am floating. Body is numb as if my arms are just made of heavy logs. If i were to be stabbed or be shot I wouldn't even notice. The only thing I feel is a light crawling heat over my skin and a fuzzy itchy feeling all over my body.

Our surroundings are constantly changing as it seems. I am still am holding megs hand but I cannot not feel any part of my hands so I have to keep looking to my side to see if she is still there. The shroud of white shatters. falling to pieces leaving us in a even more wanderlust setting. Mirrors. The walls the ceiling. The floor. Everything. Mirrors. I can not see myself in the mirror only Meg. I am still holding her hand. even tho It looks as if she is holding onto nothing. I can tell by her expression she is begging to panic.

"Avery! I can't see you. Are you still here?"

"yeah, I'm still here I cannot see me either. I am not sure whats going on. our heads are just playing tricks on us."

I can barley get the sentence out when I appear in the mirrors again. I feel relived see my reflection again. Something isn't right tho about the reflection of myself. It walks right out of the mirror and and once again I am face to face with myself. only this time it isn't a dream. The reflection of myself comes foreword and knock both of us back shattering the mirrors sending us back to the basement. But this seems to get worse and worse. Me and meg still hands locked are now looking over both of our own bodies lying in a pool of our own blood. I have no emotion neither does meg. we are just silent and both and shock looking directly at our own bodies lying on the concrete floor. We are out of our bodies. just watching. Staring at each others corpses on the cold floor.

It is still completely silent. Our bodies are the only thing that illuminate odd light. as if our insides are glowing. Somebody runs not by us, or around us but through us. Its megs father. This cannot be an easy sight. He must have looked all over for her knowing that her car is here. and last resort came downstairs to maybe just maybe find her. But not like this. Not in a pool of her own blood. Next to a stranger he never met. Someone Meg never introduced him too. He is more than just sobbing. It looks as a piece of him has died. He hold the posture of a broken shattered man. How he is weeping uncontrollably with absolute no thoughts on trying to even contain himself. I can tell he will never get over this. Let alone through it. I cannot hear his cries but I can feel the hopelessness his body is radiating like out dual light of our skin. He cannot see us. Meg lets go of my hand and walks to her father. He looks to be in his late 40's well built from years of working in the fields. He has short black hair. and a full beard that is actually thicker than his hair on his head. It is soaked with tears and the blood that has leaked from our bodies from no wounds. Its playing the roll as a sponge as he sits and cries over our bodies. This is a terrible sight to see. Not one that you really can describe seeing. One you will not recover from.

I cannot hear what meg is trying to say to her father for everything is defiantly silent. But she tries to crouch and comfort him but her hands just fall through him like a ghost. We might be ghosts Its a useless attempt to try and do anything. I just stand. when all just fades to black.

Now we are in a shroud of black. A complete opposite of the white one we were in moments ago. There is sound again for I can feel my breathing. I am still numb. Meg is still crouched over where her father just was. she looks back at me with a look of despair. Its a look of "What have I done" I can read it so easily. Its written all over her body I know she feels a bit of regret with following through with this. Its too late to even begin thinking about those thoughts. I can tell she feel the same for she clenches her fists and tenses all of her muscles in her body letting out a silent scream and stand back up. A bright flash of light over takes us as I try to cover my eyes with my arm to block out the bright explosive type light to keep from blinding me.

In a blink of an eye we are now standing in front of a giant old stone gate. It looks as if nature itself created this door. It appears to be old and eroded. giving it a very rugged look. It looks as if its thousands of feet tall. It towers over existence itself it seems. We are maybe about a hundred yards from this huge monstrosity. Behind is nothing but void and shrouded darkness. Only light comes from the door. I can see what looks of landscapes illuminating under a gold sky.ts a gate to a world. A world unconquered. A world never seen. A place undefined by the laws of everything we know. Of everything we understand and comprehend. Logic, physics and what we call proof. do not exist in this place. This Is the void mirror. The other side. This is what we were trying to reach. All faith All religion describe afterlife different. Some as returning to the world we know others to a heaven witch could be be classified as a different dimension.

Without even discussing it we walk through this giant stone passage. Not knowing what to expect. Not knowing what we will see or come in contact with. We just walk through it. Leaving everything we ever known and have known behind us. This the end to everything. But also A new beginning.

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