His Final Breath

Play the sweet lullaby in my head

The baby next door, I hear his screams

The mother is soiled, splayed upon the bed

Father numb with drugs, crushing dreams

Wake up

    Wake up

        Wake up

If you don't change it today

Tomorrow will be worse than yesterday

Play the vision again, as my heart stops

The boy next door, I see his scars

The mother is afraid, won't call the cops

Father's always drunk, taking off in his car

Stand up

    Stand up

        Stand up

If you always complain you're weak

Then get the courage to open your mouth and speak

Play the song, rewind it, reverse

The man next door, my heart broken when he died

The mother is in pain, remembering birth

Father's ashamed that his son commited suicide

Shut up

    Shut up

        Shut up

He told me not to resort to death

Wasted upon me his final breath

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