Thank you RFK

for being

rivers' purifier

for your


heart fire

****God protect

Robert F Kennedy, son of the slain AG,

has formed a group which along with 2 others

is suing the EPA for failure to shut down

Buckeye Egg Farm in Ohio, where 14 million

chickens are being given Mad Chicken engendering

cattle parts.


The animals and plants of the world think

RFK has surpassed his father RFK..

as he with Waterkeeper Alliance cleans up the Hudson, holds GE

accountable for PCB's,

tackles Ohio's 14 million imprisoned

chicken operation.. known as Buckeye Egg Farm. God protect

him as he fights the forces which murdered his father, his

uncle, his cousin.. which caused his Uncle Ted's plane to

crash many years ago. God take all Republicans out of

power today and forever and replace them with Greens,

Democrats, Libertarians, Socialists, Democratic Socialists,

Natural Law


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