Philadelphia Police.. Dirty Tricks?


Why were

Cheri Honkala

and Galen Tyler


**********  scroll down to Philadelphia

July 05, 2003  

04:00PM  Before yesterday's march began, KWRU leaders Cheri Honkala and Galen Tyler were both arrested, and have now been charged with a number of felony charges. Eyewitnesses have attested to the fact that the charges are false. The KWRU has sent out a letter detailing the events, and calling for support and help raising bail. [ KWRU Letter ]  

11:00AM  We have received an email report from an eyewitness that Cheri Honkala was arrested at 2:37pm on July 4th near the northeast corner of 6th and Arch.  

Friday, July 04, 2003  

01:32PM  There are now around 5000 people gathered in front of City Hall listening to a speech against the death penalty from the PA Abolitionists.  


Spheres of light..

become fragmented

.. fractured


Kirlian photography's

art of light

shows clearly

that psychiatric


harm the electromagnetic

field, the aura

which surrounds

all beings.

Russian scientists

have found

that disease is evident

in the abnormal

light of the aura

before it manifests

in the physical body..

further proving

Jesus' teachings

that disease is spiritual

first and only later

manifests in the physical



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