Petroplutocrat War Criminals

Not as bad as My Lai

but another Theft-Lie

as Wolfensohn and the IMF

move in to assure

international bankers

that Iraqi oil is not

for the Iraqis..

and that after

Lockheed and other

war profiteers bomb Iraq

and after Battelle

Bechtel war profiteer

in their contracts

to rebuild Iraq BP Shell

then come in the international

bankers.. to leech

profits from loans

made without the

permission of the people of Iraq

And in addition, hasn't Sharon

always wanted Shell

.. doesn't he feel that anyone

in the Likud has owned it for 2000



Wolf Blitzer

Wolf Wits..

God take them and all their network

out of power today and for the rest

of their lives

Exxon.. made 7 billion in profits in the first quarter

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