British Petroleum in 1920 Was Anglo Iranian Oil

British Petroleum which first invaded Iraq in 1914

when it took their pawns in the British army 3 years

to go from Basra to Baghdad.. next invaded (as the Anglo

Iranian Oil Co.) in 1941.. then 1958.. then 1991

then 2003.

BP and its servants in National Petrocrat Radio (NPR)

are promoting the idea that BP doesn't buy Mideast oil.

BP oil engineers were just involved in the murder of

civilians and Iraqi soldiers.. in cooperation with Tony Blair,

their handpicked choice for PM.

Former PM of the UK John Major is a war profiteer

in George Bush's war profiteering Carlyle Group.

A BP oil engineer (when it was called Anglo Iranian Oil)

stole Kuwait from Iraq and marked out its lines.

BP is a pricegouger which took over the dominance of Ohio

and other Midwestern states by John D Rockefeller. BP

broke its contract with the city of Cleveland. Therefore

that city is no longer polluted by association with

the bloodsoaked petrodollars of the centipus organization.

BP sells trash food  in its stores.

Boycott BP. Boycott Shell. Boycott Chevron Boycott

Texaco.. Boycott Exxon*.. in order please

boycott these first.. as the world achieves Critical

Mass with trains and buses and bikes and carpooling

and walking and hydro fuel pumps in Germany

and higher mileage cars and more Prius cars sold

(news reported in April of 2003 that Exxon Mobil execs

spent 78 million bribing Russian republics for drilling rights)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

BP reported doubled
profits to 2 billion

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