Bush Execution Haiku

Gonzalez, judicial nominee..

presented pro execution summaries

to Bush as governor.


Washington, a retarded man, admitted

retarded by the State of Texas,

was executed.


Lucas, executed by Bush, was not

in Texas at the time of the murder.


One of Bush's executed victims

had an attorney who was sleeping

during the trial.


The president of France appealed

for the life of an innocent

man executed by Bush.


Bush executed citizens of

Mexico.. denied their

right to contact their


Like a boy tossing a match into

a petroleum complex,

the child George Bush

chose today to attempt to prove

himself to his father

by killing women and children,

soldiers and nonsoldiers....

and his tanks pulled down the statue of Saddam..

as he said "Am I a good boy daddy?"

"Have I disrespected the sculptors of Iraq


A revenge, a vendetta, which has killed

tens of thousands in Iraq, tens of thousands

in Afghanistan..

And yet this man calls himself a Christian!!!!

May angels now put out your father's

evil fires

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