Taft puts aged in nursing homes in order to fund executions

Robert Taft takes money from the program to support

the aged in their own homes.. in order to fund executions

in Ohio which cost millions.

Robert Taft, it is said you have used children

as hockey pucks, as human shields, that they are your

victims as you raid the schools.. but keep

the GOP heavy state administration.

You have kept the Mother Earth destroying state highway

system.. as Ohio has fewer trains than other states.

You have taken money from the poor.. while keeping

it for the stalking killers in the woods called hunters,

while funding 61 million in annual animal torture

at Ohio State.

You have been aided in your serial killing by Betty

Montgomery, Jim Petro, Bill Mason and other Cleveland

prosecutors, Mike Allen and other Cincinnati prosecutors,

the Hamilton County GOP, the Ohio Supreme Court, Deborah


God awaken compassion in your heart.. in your remaining time

in office.. may God turn you away from executions

as Jesus made the stoners put down their stones..

God help you to separate from the thoughts of the past..

God make you now a good governor

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