Who is John Browne?


John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave

.. but

John Browne has sent others' bodies to moulder in theirs.

(John Browne, CEO of BP, a company which has invaded Iraq

7 times since 1920.. and a company which like Exxon, Shell, Occidental,

etc. is screwing the world)


(BP: child company of Anglo Iranian Oil, which with Churchill bombed 9000

Iraqi freedom fighters in 1920)

Father Mother God in the name of Jesus, Buddha, Yogananda, Kwon Yin, Elijah, all your masters and angels and beings, bring peace now to all through Your divine intervention.


FDR: Some believe his death was hastened by those who

knew Truman would drop the bomb.

JFK was murdered because he was planning to eliminate

Israel's WMD's... said Zanunu.

Nixon was set up by Kissinger, Bernstein, and the Meyer

owned Post because he wanted to end Israeli domination

of the American media.

Ford, for going along with the Israeli agenda, was made

a billionaire by Sanford Weill of Citigroup.

Carter was framed by George the 1st in a March 1980

meeting in which Iran agreed to exchange hostages

for arms.

Reagan was sufficiently threatening that Begin did not

attack Syrian missile batteries in Lebanon.

Bush the 1st, whose own machinations installed himself

as president, committed genocide, killing a quarter

million in the Highway of Death alone. rutherford.org

Clinton was set up by the Israeli agent dispatched Monica

Lewinsky when he would not continue George the 1st's

Desert Storm violence to the degree wished by Israel.

The current cuckoo bird

Bush inhabiting a stolen nest is totally mummified by Israeli threads.


2% of the ships coming into American harbors are monitored..


Yet Perfect Love Casts Out Fear



Teddy Roosevelt's protection

of big old trees

.. the pretenders Bush wiped out

Teddy Roosevelt's anti trust


.. the pretenders Bush wiped out

FDR's airwaves for all

.. the pretenders Bush wiped out

Carter's peace

.. the pretenders Bush wiped out

Jefferson's freedom of assembly

.. the pretenders Bush are trying

  to wipe out with compulsory dispersal

legislation in cities such as Athens,

Pepper Pike, Akron, Kent

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